Sunday 15 July 2012

Running with the community.

Hey guys, This is the SECOND post by Samuel! Today I am going to talk about how you can improve your running . If you have any questions you are free to comment on this post. :)

So this post will tell you about how you can actually engaging the social media while you are running. Cool isn't it?

First, Join a local running club(Track & Field) or join CCAs that involves you to do running with your friends and enjoy the CCA with your friends, so that you will not get bored after running hundreds of miles! So join a CCA or you can join a club that makes you run alot and you will gain your stamina while running!

Secondly, download this application called the 'nike+ running' (Only for apple user) so that it will track the miles that you have ran. You can even challenge yourself by running faster while having the urge to run faster when you are on the 5 kilometer mark and beating the clock of your previous record. This application also tracks your speed and how fast you had ran. Finally, you can also sees whether you are running faster than most of the people that are running that is on the community as they put the total miles that average people run everyday. So this is a must-have application if you wanna be motivated to run even more!


Link below for this application:

Link for the nike website:

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